This is the list of hotels that have reserved a hotel contingent for your stay in Frankfurt. Please make sure to follow the how to book requirement that we list and to mention the keyword that you find in the table when booking.
walk ca. 5 min to „Lokalbahnhof“: take S-Bahn to „Hauptwache“ then U-Bahn to „Holzhausenstraße“ = 30 minutes total OR walk ca. 7 minutes to „Südbahnhof“ and take U-Bahn to „Holzhausenstraße“ = 25 minutes total
walk 15-20 minutes OR take U-Bahn at “Eschenheimer Tor” to “Holzhausenstraße”
Examples of available hotels for MMSYM in Frankfurt. Please note that this is still under construction and to be updated soon.
Of course, there are many more hotels available in Frankfurt that might be a good fit for you. Feel free to look for other room options, and consider finding rooms via Airbnb!